Hit Counters

Thursday, November 11, 2010

honestly these are the true friends that i've come across in my 20 years of life on this earth ..
Teresa i thank you and love you babygirl!


i wore red lipstick when i was 3 for my birthday and i rocked it.
i knew it was my signature look, so i rock it today <3

Veterans Day Meal.

so my sister and her girlfriend took me out to eat at Applebees and i honestly couldnt keep a straight face, not because something was funny but more that i couldnt see people in uniform. i saw alot of veterans and alot of soldiers and it made me very emotional because i thought of my husband and what he's doing so people can sleep at night and bullshit through out the day. i started to wipe my tears and my sister's like be positive your eating in his name and i tried but deep inside i wasnt ready to be surrounded by other soldiers i wasnt ready for the reality im going to face for the next year :( on the bright side food was good & free.

tango w. Cameo.

designing my room.

so i bought this bedset at Walmart and i couldnt find anything to match the set so i decided to create my own decorations. so what i did i went to the closet craft store and bought 20" x 30" blank canvas' and i free handed the comforter's design and soon ill buy black pay and do the exact pattern on the portrait. same with the lamp shades i used sharpies and did it free hand :) unique huh?