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Friday, August 20, 2010

non existant.

I'm feeling out of place in my own comfort zone. feeling as if I'm a cat in a dog park, i don't fit. how can i be at home but feel like I'm a foreigner? explain this to me.. I'm not the same me i used to be, different now, wiser. is being wiser being boring or just conservative? how i express myself has changed i try to fit into something I'm not.. since when? last time i check me being different is what i wanted. my surroundings have slowly changed and i think my emotions have to. Ive become more distant from everyone that my warmth had been at a stand still. like a child playing free tag and they get tagged. that's how my emotions feel in the world that's unknown. i wanna be in the world i used to be in.. the one where everything was normal for me and corny to others. as i continue to feel lost in this journey ill smile as if nothings wrong. thats all thats floating in my brain , ta-ta for now*
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